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467 bytes added, 04:05, 6 February 2009
up to 4
(a) George will cut down a tree . (George will marry Martha ∨ George will die a bachelor)
(b) (Abe will not become mayor . city will not prosper) ∨ (Abe will become mayor . Ava will become head of chamber of commerce)
(c) (Steve escapes the country ∨ Steve befriends Sally) ⊃ Steve will be safe(d) (-Jerry stays in town . -Joan reappears) ⊃ Jan will triumph . Jan will convince Joe(e) (-French object to pact . -Belgians object to pact) . Italian forces withdraw from Spain . attacks on British ships cease ⊃ Italo-British pact will take effect(f) (-Mail-order campaign breaks Dripsweet monopoly . -mail-order campaign restores competition) ⊃ Jones will mortgage his home ∨ (Jones will sell his car . Jones will sell his boat)