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No change in size, 06:05, 21 May 2007
move sections around
=Bug reports & suggestions=
If you have a bug to report or a suggestion that you want to make, first read what's already on this page, the [[/archive|archives]], and the [[FMenu/FAQ|FAQ]] to see if your question has already been answered, and if not, click the '''+''' at the top of the page (next to the '''edit''' tab) and tell me about it! I will get back to you here and appreciate your feedback.
=Thank you=
Not a bug report (though mine's been [[#Random_Quitting.3F|disappearing]] too occasionally), but I want to thank you for this fantastic app. Now I can be sure to be distracted by Facebook at any time of day, without even opening my browser! Facebook really will cost me my degree!
Feel free to remove this; I just wanted to say thanks! [ smiler] 08:16, 11 May 2007 (BST)
:Thanks for the kind words. I really wish the crashes would stop, but I will integrate infinite sessions into the next release so that at least it won't be necessary to log into the app each time you start it up. [[User:Lensovet|lensovet]] 03:36, 11 May 2007 (EDT)
=Bug reports & suggestions=
== FMenu and Growl notifications ==
:As for your other suggestion, it's definitely doable, but I think I'll hold off that for a bit. Currently I'm working on crash-proofing the app (and preventing memory leaks), ignoring bad results coming from the server, and supporting infinite sessions so you have to log in once...forever. I'm also adding upcoming events and groups to Quicklaunch. Look for a new release this week!
:Thanks again. [[User:Lensovet|lensovet]] 02:03, 21 May 2007 (EDT)
=Thank you=
Not a bug report (though mine's been [[#Random_Quitting.3F|disappearing]] too occasionally), but I want to thank you for this fantastic app. Now I can be sure to be distracted by Facebook at any time of day, without even opening my browser! Facebook really will cost me my degree!
Feel free to remove this; I just wanted to say thanks! [ smiler] 08:16, 11 May 2007 (BST)
:Thanks for the kind words. I really wish the crashes would stop, but I will integrate infinite sessions into the next release so that at least it won't be necessary to log into the app each time you start it up. [[User:Lensovet|lensovet]] 03:36, 11 May 2007 (EDT)