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Computer Science/61b/Homework/hw7/dict/

9,606 bytes added, 06:10, 22 September 2007
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/* */

package dict;

* A Tree234 implements an ordered integer dictionary ADT using a 2-3-4 tree.
* Only int keys are stored; no object is associated with each key. Duplicate
* keys are not stored in the tree.
* @author Jonathan Shewchuk, lensovet
public class Tree234 extends IntDictionary {

* (inherited) size is the number of keys in the dictionary.
* root is the root of the 2-3-4 tree.
* You may add fields if you wish, but don't change anything that
* would prevent toString() or find() from working correctly.
Tree234Node root;

public Tree234() {
root = null;
size = 0;

* toString() prints this Tree234 as a String. Each node is printed
* in the form such as (for a 3-key node)
* (child1)key1(child2)key2(child3)key3(child4)
* where each child is a recursive call to toString, and null children
* are printed as a space with no parentheses. Here's an example.
* ((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((60)84(86 95 100))
* @return a String representation of the 2-3-4 tree.
public String toString() {
if (root == null) {
return "";
} else {
return root.toString();

* printTree() prints this Tree234 as a tree, albeit sideways.
* You're welcome to change this method if you like. It won't be tested.
public void printTree() {
if (root != null) {

* find() prints true if "key" is in this 2-3-4 tree; false otherwise.
* @param key is the key sought.
* @return true if "key" is in the tree; false otherwise.
public boolean find(int key) {
Tree234Node node = root;
while (node != null) {
if (key < node.key1) {
node = node.child1;
} else if (key == node.key1) {
return true;
} else if ((node.keys == 1) || (key < node.key2)) {
node = node.child2;
} else if (key == node.key2) {
return true;
} else if ((node.keys == 2) || (key < node.key3)) {
node = node.child3;
} else if (key == node.key3) {
return true;
} else {
node = node.child4;
return false;

* insert() inserts the key "key" into this 2-3-4 tree. If "key" is
* already present, a duplicate copy is NOT inserted.
* @param key is the key sought.
public void insert(int key) {
Tree234Node node = root;
if (root == null) {
root = new Tree234Node(key);
if (node.keys == 3) { // check to see if root needs breaking up
Tree234Node par = new Tree234Node(node.key2);
Tree234Node left = node; // for convenience, we will reuse the old node for keeping the first key
Tree234Node right = new Tree234Node(par, node.key3);
par.child1 = left;
par.child2 = right;
if (node.child1 != null) {
par.child2.child1 = node.child3;
par.child2.child2 = node.child4;
par.child2.child1.parent = right;
par.child2.child2.parent = right;
par.child1.keys = 1;
par.child1.key2 = 0;
par.child1.key3 = 0;
par.child1.child3 = null;
par.child1.child4 = null;
par.child1.parent = par;
root = par;
// reset node
node = root;
while (node.child1 != null) { // try to find the key, or a place to insert it
if (key < node.key1) {
node = node.child1;
} else if (key == node.key1) {
// found the same key as trying to insert - do nothing
} else if ((node.keys == 1) || (key < node.key2)) {
node = node.child2;
} else if (key == node.key2) {
// do nothing
} else if ((node.keys == 2) || (key < node.key3)) {
node = node.child3;
} else if (key == node.key3) {
// do nothing
} else {
node = node.child4;
if (node.keys == 3) {
Tree234Node left = node; // we will reuse the old node for keeping the first key
Tree234Node par = node.parent;
Tree234Node right = new Tree234Node(node.key3);
right.child1 = node.child3;
right.child2 = node.child4;
if (par.keys == 1) { // unfortunately there's some duped code here, but i don't see a way around this...
if (node.key2 < par.key1) {
par.key2 = par.key1;
par.key1 = node.key2;
par.child3 = par.child2;
par.child2 = right;
par.child2.parent = par;
par.child1 = left;
par.child1.parent = par;
} else {
par.key2 = node.key2;
par.child2 = left;
par.child2.parent = par;
par.child3 = right;
par.child3.parent = par;
} else {
if (node.key2 < par.key1) {
par.key3 = par.key2;
par.key2 = par.key1;
par.key1 = node.key2;
par.child4 = par.child3;
par.child3 = par.child2;
par.child2 = right;
par.child2.parent = par;
par.child1 = left;
par.child1.parent = par;
} else if (node.key2 > par.key2) {
par.key3 = node.key2;
par.child3 = left;
par.child3.parent = par;
par.child4 = right;
par.child4.parent = par;
} else { // we used to be in the middle
par.key3 = par.key2;
par.key2 = node.key2;
par.child4 = par.child3;
par.child2 = left;
par.child2.parent = par;
par.child3 = right;
par.child3.parent = par;
// clear remaining pointers on the old node
node.keys = 1;
node.key2 = 0;
node.key3 = 0;
node.child3 = null;
node.child4 = null;
// recheck the parent;
node = par;
if (node.keys == 1) {
if (key < node.key1) {
node.key2 = node.key1;
node.key1 = key;
} else {
node.key2 = key;
} else {
if (key < node.key1) {
node.key3 = node.key2;
node.key2 = node.key1;
node.key1 = key;
} else if (key > node.key2) {
node.key3 = key;
} else {
node.key3 = node.key2;
node.key2 = key;

* testHelper() prints the String representation of this tree, then
* compares it with the expected String, and prints an error message if
* the two are not equal.
* @param correctString is what the tree should look like.
public void testHelper(String correctString) {
String treeString = toString();
if (!treeString.equals(correctString)) {
System.out.println("ERROR: Should be " + correctString);

* main() is a bunch of test code. Feel free to add test code of your own;
* this code won't be tested or graded.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Tree234 t = new Tree234();

System.out.println("\nInserting 84.");

System.out.println("\nInserting 7.");
t.testHelper("7 84");

System.out.println("\nInserting 22.");
t.testHelper("7 22 84");

System.out.println("\nInserting 95.");
t.testHelper("(7)22(84 95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 50.");
t.testHelper("(7)22(50 84 95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 11.");
t.testHelper("(7 11)22(50 84 95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 37.");
t.testHelper("(7 11)22(37 50)84(95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 60.");
t.testHelper("(7 11)22(37 50 60)84(95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 1.");
t.testHelper("(1 7 11)22(37 50 60)84(95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 23.");
t.testHelper("(1 7 11)22(23 37)50(60)84(95)");

System.out.println("\nInserting 16.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23 37))50((60)84(95))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 100.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23 37))50((60)84(95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 28.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23 28 37))50((60)84(95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 86.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23 28 37))50((60)84(86 95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 49.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((60)84(86 95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 81.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((60 81)84(86 95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 51.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((51 60 81)84(86 95 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 99.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((51 60 81)84(86)95(99 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 75.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((51)60(75 81)84(86)95" +
"(99 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 66.");
t.testHelper("((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((51)60(66 75 81))84((86)95" +
"(99 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 4.");
t.testHelper("((1 4)7(11 16))22((23)28(37 49))50((51)60(66 75 81))84" +
"((86)95(99 100))");

System.out.println("\nInserting 80.");
t.testHelper("(((1 4)7(11 16))22((23)28(37 49)))50(((51)60(66)75" +
"(80 81))84((86)95(99 100)))");

System.out.println("\nFinal tree:");