Computer Science/61b/Homework/hw7/dict/
< Computer Science | 61b | Homework | hw7 | dictRevision as of 06:00, 14 November 2010 by Lensovet (talk | contribs) (moved CS 61b/Homework/hw7/dict/ to CS/61b/Homework/hw7/dict/ fix cs 61b hierarchy)
/* */ package dict; /** * A Tree234Node is a node in a 2-3-4 tree (Tree234 class). * * DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS FILE. * You may add helper methods and additional constructors, though. **/ class Tree234Node { /** * keys is the number of keys in this node. Always 1, 2, or 3. * key1 through key3 are the keys of this node. If keys == 1, the value * of key2 doesn't matter. If keys < 3, the value of key3 doesn't matter. * parent is this node's parent; null if this is the root. * child1 through child4 are the children of this node. If this is a leaf * node, they must all be set to null. If this node has no third and/or * fourth child, child3 and/or child4 must be set to null. **/
- The author of this file is Jonathan Shewchuk; consequently, I cannot make it freely available.