Bug reports & suggestions
If you have a bug to report or a suggestion that you want to make, first read what's already on this page as well as the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered, and if not, click the + at the top of the page (next to the edit tab) and tell me about it! I will get back to you here and appreciate your feedback.
Problem with ZIP archive?
I can't open the archive—StuffIt Expander 10 stalls approximately 95% through and doesn't start again, and StuffIt Expander 11 returns an error. Is there a place for me to download the app that's not compressed? 16:06, 29 January 2007 (EST)
- Never mind, it seems I got a bad download from the link on the wiki. It worked the next time I tried it. 16:18, 29 January 2007 (EST)
- Hm, that's weird, but I strongly discourage anyone from using Stuffit at all. Mac OS X's built-in does the job much better. Happy to hear that you were able to resolve the problem, however.lensovet 21:04, 29 January 2007 (EST)
Friends opting out of Terms of Service and Update frequency
I have three questions. First, exactly what effect does it have when a friend unchecks the Terms of Service box? Will FMenu not even be able to tell me when they poke or message me? Second, is there any way I can tell which friends have opted out of this? My third question is how frequent is "too frequent" for the update frequency? How frequently can I have it update without hitting the request limit? Thanks!
- Here we go!
- If the friend unchecks this box, they are completely invisible to the program. That means that anything about them is inaccessible, like their profile and their status. However, when they poke you, this is still accessible, because it is your information that's retrieved to find out the number of current pokes. So anything they do to you is available, because your info is retrieved, but anything they do to their profiles is not.
- Yes, there is. click on the arrow at the right of the text field in the Quicklaunch panel. That lists all the friends that are available to you through the app
(in a random order, unfortunately), which are alphabetized by first name as of version 1.5. - This is essentially a guess-and-check process. As of version 1.4, it appears that 7 seconds is in fact the most frequent update interval. I personally had it running with 6 seconds, but that would randomly give me incorrect notifications.
- Hope that clears things up a bit! lensovet 14:40, 3 February 2007 (EST)
FMenu and Growl notifications
Great app, but a couple of suggestions.
1. It would be nice if you could click on the Growl notifications and be taken to the relevant page, e.g. if my friend updates a status and I click, it goes to her page or if someone posts on the wall, it takes me there.
2. The menu icon should also indicate whether people have posted or not. Perhaps by colour or counter?
- Thanks! The first one is definitely something I will be looking into, hopefully soon.
- As for the second one, I'm not exactly sure what you mean. What do you mean by "whether people have posted"? Posted what? Wall posts? Please clarify...thanks again! lensovet 14:47, 11 February 2007 (EST)
Basically, I think the Fmenu icon should have status indications. So if someone posts on your wall, it would be nice to have a number or something appear by or on the icon to let you know.
Future Features
Not sure if this is feasible, but it would be fantastic if you could do things through the program, e.g. poke specified people. Or if that wasn't possible, it should be fairly easy to link to the relevant page - the /poke.php? bit makes that easy, right? Just a thought. -- 18:48, 12 February 2007 (EST)
- This is definitely doable. I'm thinking of using keyboard modifiers for each action – for example, pressing option-enter instead of enter to send a message, ctrl-enter to poke, etc. What do you think? lensovet 20:47, 12 February 2007 (EST)
- This is similar to the question above I think, but would it be possible to make the keyboard shortcuts usable without having to click on the menu icon ie. being able to open the quicklaunch panel (which i think is great) - david c.
- I really want this as well, so I will try to get it into the next release. It is definitely doable. lensovet 23:08, 12 February 2007 (EST)
Duplicate notifications
I keep getting the same notifications over and over. I have moved my interval up to 30 seconds thinking it could have been cause by too frequent of an interval but I am continuing to see duplicate messages. It's a series of 5 or 6 messages, same messages each time.
I have the exact same problem and it is the same two updates from the same exact person. - david c.
- If the update you're getting is "XXX has updated his profile", that means that they are actually updating their profile that frequently. If it's something else, let me know. Thanks. lensovet 00:48, 13 February 2007 (EST)