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                              CS 61B  Project 1
                               Sharks and Fish
                     Due 4pm Friday, September 29, 2006

Warning: This project is time-consuming. Start early.

This is an individual assignment; you may not share code with other students.

Getting started: You will find the code for this assignment in $master/hw/pj1/. Start by copying it into your own pj1 directory.

In this project you will implement a simulation of an ocean containing sharks and fish. You will also write code to convert an ocean into a run-length encoding and back. The ocean is rectangular, but the edges are connected together in a topological donut or torus. This means that the top (North) and bottom (South) edges are considered adjacent, so if you start at the top edge and go up, you'll be at the bottom edge (just like in the video game Asteroids). Similarly, the East and West edges are connected (just like in Pac Man). The ocean is divided into square cells, which are indexed as follows (for a 4x3 ocean):

                        ------> x

                    |   -----------------------------
                    |   | 0, 0 | 1, 0 | 2, 0 | 3, 0 |
                  y |   -----------------------------
                    |   | 0, 1 | 1, 1 | 2, 1 | 3, 1 |
                    v   -----------------------------
                        | 0, 2 | 1, 2 | 2, 2 | 3, 2 |

Note that the origin is in the upper left; the x-coordinate increases as you move right, and the y-coordinate increases as you go down. (This conforms to Java's graphics commands, though you won't need to use them directly in this project.) You can also refer to locations such as (4, 0) or (-4, 3), which are both the same as (0, 0) in a 4x3 ocean. (More generally, the coordinates in an ixj ocean are taken modulo i for the x-coordinate, which is horizontal, and modulo j for the y-coordinate, which is vertical.) Any pair of integers will give you a valid position in the grid by "wrapping around" at the edges.

(Hint: programming will be a lot easier if you write helper functions that do the wrapping around for you, and use them in all your methods, so you don't have to think about it again.)

There are two kinds of entities in this ocean: sharks and fish. The sharks and fish breed, eat, and die in the ocean. Each cell of the grid can be occupied by a single shark or fish, or it can be empty.

Part I: Simulating Sharks and Fish

This part is worth 40% of your total score. (8 points out of 20).

An ocean is described by its size and the initial placement of sharks and fish in the ocean. It is also described by a parameter called the "starveTime" for a shark. This is the number of simulation timesteps that a shark can live through without eating.

The simulation proceeds in timesteps. A "timestep" is a transition from one ocean to the next. (Don't confuse timesteps with oceans; every timestep starts with one ocean and ends with another.) The rules for how the ocean looks at the end of a timestep depend only on the occupants of the cells at the beginning of the timestep. Therefore, to obtain correct behavior, you will often be working with two copies of the ocean simultaneously; one representing the ocean at the beginning of the timestep, and the other representing the ocean at the end of the timestep. (If you are foolish enough to try to implement a timestep using just a single Ocean object, you will modify the values of cells whose old values are still needed to compute the new values for other cells, and thus you will compute the wrong answer.)

The contents of any particular cell at the end of a timestep depend only on the contents of that cell and its eight neighbors at the beginning of the timestep. The "neighbors" are the eight adjacent cells: the cells immediately to the north, south, east, and west, as well as the four diagonal neighbors. Here are the rules:

  1. If a cell contains a shark, and any of its neighbors is a fish, then the shark eats during the timestep, and it remains in the cell at the end of the timestep. (We may have multiple sharks sharing the same fish. This is fine; they all get enough to eat.)
  2. If a cell contains a shark, and none of its neighbors is a fish, it gets hungrier during the timestep. If this timestep is the (starveTime + 1)th timestep the shark has gone through without eating, then the shark dies (disappears). Otherwise, it remains in the cell. An example demonstrating this rule appears below.
  3. If a cell contains a fish, and all of its neighbors are either empty or are other fish, then the fish stays where it is.
  4. If a cell contains a fish, and one of its neighbors is a shark, then the fish is eaten by a shark, and therefore disappears.
  5. If a cell contains a fish, and two or more of its neighbors are sharks, then a new shark is born in that cell. Sharks are well-fed at birth; after they are born, they can survive an additional starveTime timesteps without eating. (But they will die at the end of starveTime + 1 consecutive timesteps without eating.)
  6. If a cell is empty, and fewer than two of its neighbors are fish, then the cell remains empty.
  7. If a cell is empty, at least two of its neighbors are fish, and at most one of its neighbors is a shark, then a new fish is born in that cell.
  8. If a cell is empty, at least two of its neighbors are fish, and at least two of its neighbors are sharks, then a new shark is born in that cell. (The new shark is well-fed at birth, even though it hasn't eaten a fish yet.)

starveTime Examples

The following example demonstrates exactly when sharks die. Suppose the starveTime is 3. Suppose the initial ocean, Ocean 0, contains a well-fed shark (A). If that shark never gets to eat, it will survive three timesteps without food, making it to Ocean 3; but it will be dead by Ocean 4. Another shark is born in Ocean 1, and is fed during the transition from Ocean 2 to Ocean 3, but is never fed again. It survives to Ocean 6, but it is dead by Ocean 7.

Ocean 0    shark A (well-fed)          [empty cell]
timestep                               shark B born
Ocean 1    shark A                     shark B (well-fed)
Ocean 2    shark A                     shark B
timestep                               shark B eats a fish (born last timestep)
Ocean 3    shark A                     shark B (well-fed)
timestep   shark A dies
Ocean 4    [empty cell]                shark B
Ocean 5                                shark B
Ocean 6                                shark B
timestep                               shark B dies
Ocean 7                                [empty cell]

Your task

Fill in the implementation of the Ocean class. We have already provided you with the public method definitions you will need. You are required to provide implementations of all the methods whose prototypes appear in Among these methods is a constructor that takes three integers as input, representing the size of the ocean and the starveTime of the sharks, and returns an ocean of the specified size. For example, the statement

   Ocean sea = new Ocean(i, j, starveTime);

should create an ixj Ocean object. In your implementation, you may define any fields, additional methods, additional classes, or other .java files you wish, but you cannot change the prototypes in We will test your code by calling your methods directly, so it is important that you follow this rule. You should read carefully for an explanation of what methods you must write. The most important of these is timeStep(), the method that performs your simulation.

Your Ocean class should represent the ocean as one or more simple two- dimensional arrays. It is up to you decide how to represent each element of the array (in particular, whether it is empty or contains a shark or fish, and if it's a shark, how long ago it last ate). Your internal representation is not required to use the constants EMPTY, SHARK, and FISH, which are part of the public interface, but it can if you want. However, the cellContents() method must return these constants--you cannot change this part of the interface.

We have provided Java classes to help you debug your implementation and animate your ocean, in these files:

The Simulation and SimText classes (which consist primarily of a simulation driver called main) generate random input to initialize the ocean, and animate the sequence of oceans returned by the timeStep method of your Ocean class. So that they can initialize your Ocean and monitor the fish and sharks in your Ocean during the simulation, you must implement the methods addFish, addShark, cellContents, width, and height.

The Simulation and SimText programs take up to three command-line parameters. The first two specify the width and height of the ocean. The third parameter specifies the value of starveTime. For example, if you run

   java Simulation 25 30 1

then Simulation will animate a 25x30 ocean with a starveTime of 1. If you run "java Simulation" with no parameters, by default Simulation will animate a 80x80 ocean with a starveTime of 3. (SimText animates a 50x25 ocean using text on your terminal.) With some choices of parameters, the ocean quickly dies out; with others, it teems forever.

In the animation produced by Simulation, sharks are red squares and fish are green squares. In the animation produced by SimText, sharks are 'S' characters and fish are '~' characters. Simulation is more fun to watch, but SimText may be easier to use for debugging and remote access.

Part II: Converting a Run-Length Encoding to an Ocean

This part is worth 25% of your total score. (5 points out of 20).

For a large ocean, an Ocean object can consume quite a bit of memory or disk space. For long-term storage, we can store an Ocean more efficiently if we represent it as a "run-length encoding." Imagine taking all the rows of cells in the ocean, and connecting them into one long strip. Think of the cells as being numbered thusly:

                       |   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |
                       |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |
                       |   8  |   9  |  10  |  11  |

Typically, many regions of this strip are "runs" of many empty cells in a row, or many fish in a row, or many equally-hungry sharks in a row. Run-length encoding is a technique in which a sequence of identical consecutive cells are represented as a single record or object. For instance, the following strip of fish (F), sharks fed two timesteps ago (S2), and empty cells (.):

           | F | F | F | S2 | S2 | S2 | S2 | S2 | . | . | . | . |

could be represented with just three records, each representing one "run":

                             | F3 | S2,5 | .4 |

"F3" means that there are three consecutive fish, followed by "S2,5", meaning five consecutive sharks fed two timesteps ago, and then ".4": four empty cells. With this encoding, a huge ocean with just a few fish or sharks can be stored in a tiny amount of memory. (Note, however, that a shark that just ate cannot be represented together with a shark that hasn't eaten in the last timestep. For a correct encoding, you must separate sharks based on their hunger!) If you are familiar with .GIF image files (often encountered on the Web), you might be interested to know that they use run-length encoding to reduce their sizes.

Your task is to implement a RunLengthEncoding class, which represents a run-length encoding as a linked list of "run" objects. It is up to you whether to use a singly- or doubly-linked list, but a doubly-linked list may make Part IV easier.

Because this is a data structures course, please use your own list class(es) or ones you have learned in class. In future courses, it will sometimes make more sense for you to use a linked list class written by somebody else, such as java.util.LinkedList. However, in CS 61B this is forbidden, because I want you to be always aware of exactly how your data structures work. Likewise, you may not use java.util.Vector or other built-in data structures.

Part II(a)

Implement two constructors for RunLengthEncodings. One constructs a run-length encoding of an empty ocean, and the other constructs a run-length encoding based on two arrays provided as parameters to the constructor. These arrays represent the runs that your run-length coding should contain, so you are simply converting arrays to a linked list. (See the prototype in

Part II(b)

Your run-length encodings will only be useful if other classes have the ability to read them after you create them. Therefore, implement the nextRun() and restartRuns() methods. These two methods work together to return all the runs in a run-length encoding to an outside application, one by one. Each time nextRun() is invoked, it returns a different run--represented as a TypeAndSize object--until every run has been returned. The first time nextRun() is invoked, it returns the first run in the encoding, which contains cell (0, 0). After every run has been returned, nextRun() returns null, which lets the calling program know that there are no more runs in the encoding.

The restartRuns() method resets the enumeration, so that nextRun() will once again return the first run as if it were being called for the first time. Warning: the test code will not necessarily call restartRuns() before the first time nextRun() is called.

IMPORTANT NOTE on nextRun() and restartRuns(): your methods in the RunLengthEncoding class should never call these methods. The nextRun() and restartRuns() methods are provided so that other classes (specifically, the Test program that autogrades your project) can read the contents of a run-length encoding. If your RunLengthEncoding methods call them, they will mess up the position of the internal pointer for the other classes.

IMPORTANT NOTE on TypeAndSize: The Java "return" keyword only allows you to return one value from a method call. But the nextRun() method needs to return two values--the length of a run, and the type of object it contains. How can it do this? Answer: by returning a "TypeAndSize" object. A TypeAndSize object is nothing more than a way to return two integers at once. That's it. Each time nextRun() is called, it creates a TypeAndSize object (or it will once you've coded it to do so), fills in the values, and returns it to the calling routine, which then throws it away. The TypeAndSize object is part of the predefined interface of your RunLengthEncoding class, so you CANNOT change it, because the calling programs (including the autograder) are relying on you to return TypeAndSize objects according to spec. TypeAndSize objects are NOT suitable as a way to represent a run in your run-length encoding, because they do not encode a shark's hunger.

Part II(c)

Implement a toOcean() method in the RunLengthEncoding class, which converts a run-length encoding to an Ocean object. To accomplish this, you will need to implement a new addShark() method in the Ocean class, so that you can specify the hunger of each shark you add to the ocean. This way, you can convert an Ocean to a run-length encoding and back again without forgetting how hungry each shark was.

Read carefully for an explanation of what methods you must write. The fields of the Ocean class MUST be private, and the RunLengthEncoding class cannot manipulate these fields directly. Hence, the toOcean() method will rely upon the Ocean constructor and the addFish() and addShark() methods.

You cannot change any of the prototypes in, and you cannot change the file Again, we will test your code by calling your methods directly.

Part III: Converting an Ocean to a Run-Length Encoding

This part is worth 25% of your total score. (5 points out of 20).

Next, write a RunLengthEncoding constructor that takes an Ocean object as its sole parameter and converts it into a run-length encoding of the Ocean. To accomplish this, you will need to implement a sharkFeeding() method in the Ocean class, which tells you how hungry a given shark is. Read and carefully for an explanation of what methods you must write.

The fields of the Ocean class MUST be private, so the RunLengthEncoding constructor will rely upon the width(), height(), starveTime(), cellContents(), and sharkFeeding() methods.


This is worth 1 point out of the 5, but should probably be done as soon as you can during Part III.

Your RunLengthEncoding implementation is required to have a check() method, which walks through the run-length encoding and checks its validity. Specifically, it should print a warning message if any of the following problems are found:

  • If two consecutive runs have exactly the same type of contents.
    For instance, an "F12" run followed by an "F8" run is illegal, because they should have been consolidated into a single run. (Don't forget, though, that sharks are divided based on how recently they've eaten.)
  • If the sum of all run lengths doesn't equal the size (in cells) of the Ocean; i.e. its width times its height.

You may find that the check() method is very useful in helping to debug your RunLengthEncoding constructors and addFish() and addShark() in Part IV.

Part IV: Adding a Fish or Shark to a Run-Length Encoding

The last part is the hardest, but it is only worth 10% of the total score (2 points out of 20), so don't panic if you can't finish it.

Implement the addFish() and addShark() methods of the RunLengthEncoding class, which are similar to the addFish() and addShark() methods of the Ocean class. However, this code is much trickier to write. Observe that addFish() and addShark() can lengthen, or even shorten, an existing run-length encoding. To add a shark or fish to a run-length encoded ocean, you will need to find the right run in the linked list, and perhaps break it apart into two or three runs. If the new shark or fish is adjacent to other sharks or fish, you should consolidate runs to keep memory use down. (Your check() method ensures that your encoding is as compact as possible.)

Your addFish() and addShark() routines should run in time proportional to the number of runs in the encoding. Therefore, you may not convert the run-length encoding to an Ocean object, add the fish or shark to the Ocean, and then convert back to a run-length encoding; that is much too slow.