→fall 09: gpa goodness
*''Music 61 (Harmony III)* - 3''
*''Music 50 (Musicianship II) - 3''
*[[CS/61b|Comp Sci 61b ]] (Data Structures) - 4
*Math 54 (Linear Algebra) - 4
*Slavic 105a (Russian translation) - 3
==spring 07==
*''Italian 4 (Advanced Intermediate Italian) - 5''
*[[CS/61c|Comp Sci 61c ]] (Machine Structures) - 4
*Comp Sci 70 (Discrete Math) - 4
*''Music 51 (Musicianship III) - 3''
*CS 188 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) - 4
*CS 186 (Introduction to Database Systems) - 4
*[[CS /162 |CS 162]] (Operating Systems & systems programming) - 4
Total 17 – ''3.31''
*Philosophy 12a (Logic) - 4
Total 20– ''3.28''
==fall 09==
*Slavic 45 (Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature in English) - 3
*Slavic 190 (Russian Culture Taught in Russian: Country, Identity, and Language) - 4
*Civil Engineering 253 [[CS/164|CS 164]] (Intelligent Transportation SystemsProgramming Languages & Compilers) - 3– 4
*ES 196A+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1
*Ling 100 (Introduction to Linguistic Science) - 4
Total 2119 – ''3.88''
==spring 10==
*Ling/Slavic C139 (Language Spread) - 3
*ES 196B+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1
*English R1B requirement - 34*CS 288/294 (Natural Language Processing) - 4*Philosophy 7-course breadth - 3
Total 14+
==fall 10-spring 11==