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Academic plans

477 bytes added, 01:13, 29 December 2009
fall 09: gpa goodness
==spring 06==
*''French 4(Advanced Intermediate French)* - 5''*''Italian 2 (Elementary Italian) - 5''*''Music 60 (Harmony II) - 3''*EE 42 (Introduction to Digital Electronics) - 3*CS 61a (The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) - 4
Total 20 – ''3.47047''
==summer 06==
==fall 06==
*''Italian 3 (Intermediate Italian) - 5''*''French 102 (Reading and Writing Skills in French) - 4''
*''Music 61 (Harmony III)* - 3''
*''Music 50 (Musicianship II) - 3''
*[[CS/61b|Comp Sci 61b ]] (Data Structures) - 4*Math 54 (Lin. AlgLinear Algebra) - 4
*Slavic 105a (Russian translation) - 3
*Slavic 114 (Self-paced Russian) - 3
==spring 07==
*''Italian 4 (Advanced Intermediate Italian) - 5''*[[CS/61c|Comp Sci 61c ]] (Machine Structures) - 4
*Comp Sci 70 (Discrete Math) - 4
*''Music 51 (Musicianship III) - 3''
*Slavic 105b (Russian translation) - 3
Total 25 ==summer 07==:''at one of the LACCD schools3.51''*Chem 3a+l (Organic Chem) - 5------Total 5
==fall 07==
*Bio 1b (General Biology: Botany, Ecology, Evolution) - 4
*Enviro Econ & Policy 1 (Intro to EE&P) - 4
*Comp Sci 170 (Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems) - 4
*Comp Sci 160 169 (User Interface Design and DevelopmentSoftware Engineering) - 4
*Geog C188 (Geographic Information Systems) - 4
*Slavic 180 series (Russian lit in Russian) - 4
Total 2620 – ''3.02''
==spring 08==
*Comp Sci 169 160 (Software EngineeringUser Interface Design and Development) - 4*Comp Sci elective CE 155 (Transportation Systems Engineering) - 3
*Stat 131a (Statistical Inferences for Social and Life Scientists) - 4
*Enviro Sci 100 Slavic 46 (Environmental Problem Solving) Twentieth- 4*Slavic 130 series/146 (Century Russian lit Literature in English) - 43*Slavic 45 ESPM 102d (Resource and Environmental Policy) - 34*One upper-div Slavic elective ESPM C148 (Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology) - 3*One course in Russian culture - 4
Total 2921 – ''3.48''
==fall 08==
study abroad in France*Chem 3a+l (Organic Chem) - 5*CS 188 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) - 4*CS 186 (Introduction to Database Systems) - 4*[[CS/162|CS 162]] (Operating Systems & systems programming) - 4-----Total 17 – ''3.31''
==spring 09==
*Comp Sci 152 (Computer Architecture and Engineering) or 150 (Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems) One course in Russian culture - 4*A diff Comp Enviro Sci elective 100 (Environmental Problem Solving) - 4*Enviro Sci 104 ESPM C104 (Modeling and Management of Biological Resources) - 4*Human-Environment Interactions elective Slavic 130 series/146 (Russian lit in English) - 4*Slavic 46 Philosophy 12a (Logic) - 3*One upper-div Slavic elective - 3*Enviro Sci elective - 34
Total 2620 – ''3.28''
==fall 09==
*Slavic 45 (Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature in English) - 3
*Slavic 190 (Russian Culture Taught in Russian: Country, Identity, and Language) - 4
*[[CS/164|CS 164]] (Programming Languages & Compilers) – 4
*ES 196A+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1
*CS Masters programLing 100 (Introduction to Linguistic Science) - 4
Total 4+19 – ''3.88''
==spring 10==
*Ling/Slavic C139 (Language Spread) - 3
*ES 196B+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1
*English R1B - 4
*CS 288 (Natural Language Processing) - 3
Total 14
==fall 10-spring 11==
*CS Masters program
Total 4+?
this plan, in the end, results in three degrees – [[CS major|computer science]], [[ES major|environmental science]], and [[slavic major|russian language & literature]].
by this plan, I will cover all but one of the breadth requirements - the philosophy one, which i'll probably just take during my semester abroad. there's also an [[American Cultures requirement|AC class]] that needs to be stuffed somewhere in there.
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