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Academic plans

288 bytes added, 01:13, 29 December 2009
fall 09: gpa goodness
Pretty early on in my college career, I realized that I needed to figure out what courses I'm going to take and when. The result of this was the formation of an "academic plan." <s>Below I list each significant iteration of these plans, since they changed as time went on.</s> As of November 8th, there is only one version here. Changes can be tracked by simply clicking the '''history''' tab at the top of the page and then using MediaWiki's diff function.
==fall 05==
:''at LA Valley, Pierce, and Mission Colleges''
*''Math 53 - 4<br>''*''Geography 40* - 4<br>''*''English R1A * - 3<br>''*''Oceanography 1* - 3<br>''*''Psych 1* - 3''
Total 35.5 – ''4.0''
==spring 06==
*''French 4(Advanced Intermediate French)* - 5<br>''*''Italian 2 (Elementary Italian) - 5<br>''*''Music 60 (Harmony II) - 3''<br>*EE 42 (Introduction to Digital Electronics) - 3<br>*CS 61a (The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) - 4
Total 20 &ndash; ''3.47047''
==summer 06==
:''at LA Valley College''
*''History 4a (or 4b?)/b* - 4<br>''*ESPM 10 (Enviro Issues) - 3''
Total 7 – ''4.0''
==fall 06==
*''Italian 3 (Intermediate Italian) - 5<br>''*''French 102 (Reading and Writing Skills in French) - 4<br>''*''Music 61 (Harmony III)* - 3<br>''*''Music 50 (Musicianship II) - 3''<br>*[[CS/61b|Comp Sci 61b ]] (Data Structures) - 4<br>*Math 54 (Lin. AlgLinear Algebra) - 4<br>*Slavic 105a (Russian translation) - 3<br>*Slavic 114 (Self-paced Russian) - 3
Total 29– ''3.76''
==spring 07==
*''Italian 4 (Advanced Intermediate Italian) - 5''<br>*[[CS/61c|Comp Sci 61c ]] (Machine Structures) - 4<br>*Comp Sci 70 (Discrete Math) - 4<br>*''Music 51 (Musicianship III) - 3<br>Music 116 (Jazz Theory) - 3''<br>*Slavic 114 (Self-paced Russian) - 3<br>*Slavic 105b (Russian translation) - 3
Total 25 ==summer 07==:''at one of the LACCD schools3.51''Chem 3a+l (Organic Chem) - 5------Total 5
==fall 07==
*Bio 1b (General Biology: Botany, Ecology, Evolution) - 4<br>*Enviro Econ & Policy 1 (Intro to EE&P) - 4<br>*Comp Sci 170 (Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems) - 4<br>*Comp Sci 160 169 (User Interface Design and DevelopmentSoftware Engineering) - 4<br>Slavic 180 series *Geog C188 (Russian lit in RussianGeographic Information Systems) - 4<br>One course in Russian culture - 4
Total 2620 – ''3.02''
==spring 08==
*Comp Sci 169 160 (Software EngineeringUser Interface Design and Development) - 4<br>Comp Sci elective *CE 155 (Transportation Systems Engineering) - 3<br>*Stat 131a (Statistical Inferences for Social and Life Scientists) - 4<br>Enviro Sci 100 *Slavic 46 (Environmental Problem Solving) Twentieth- 4<br>Slavic 130 series/146 (Century Russian lit Literature in English) - 4<br>3Slavic 45 *ESPM 102d (Resource and Environmental Policy) - 3<br>4One upper-div Slavic elective *ESPM C148 (Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology) - 3
Total 2521 – ''3.48''
==fall 08==
Comp Sci 152 *Chem 3a+l (Organic Chem) - 5*CS 188 (Computer Architecture and EngineeringIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence) or 150 - 4*CS 186 (Components and Design Techniques for Digital Introduction to Database Systems) - 4*[[CS/162|CS 162]] (Operating Systems& systems programming) - 4<br>A diff Comp Sci elective -----Total 17 – ''3.31'' ==spring 09==*One course in Russian culture - 4<br>*Enviro Sci 104 100 (Environmental Problem Solving) - 4*ESPM C104 (Modeling and Management of Biological Resources) - 4<br>Human-Environment Interactions elective *Slavic 130 series/146 (Russian lit in English) - 4<br>Slavic 46 *Philosophy 12a (Logic) - 3<br>One upper-div Slavic elective - 3<br>Enviro Sci elective - 34
Total 2620 – ''3.28'' ==fall 09==*Slavic 45 (Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature in English) - 3*Slavic 190 (Russian Culture Taught in Russian: Country, Identity, and Language) - 4*[[CS/164|CS 164]] (Programming Languages & Compilers) – 4*ES 196A+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1*Ling 100 (Introduction to Linguistic Science) - 4----Total 19 – ''3.88'' ==spring 10==*Ling/Slavic C139 (Language Spread) - 3*ES 196B+L (Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences + lab) - 3+1*English R1B - 4*CS 288 (Natural Language Processing) - 3----Total 14
==fall 10-spring 0911==blank. what’s going to happen here is that most likely during fall 07 or spring 08 i’m going to go abroad, so all the stuff after that is going to move down and so this semester won’t be blank anymore.*CS Masters program----Total ?
this plan, in the end, results in three degrees – [[CS major|computer science]], [[ES major|environmental science]], and [[slavic major|russian language & literature]].
by this plan, I will cover all but one of the breadth requirements - the philosophy one, which i'll probably just take during my semester abroad. there's also an [[American Cultures requirement|AC class]] that needs to be stuffed somewhere in there.
{{academic planning}}