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Photo shoots

979 bytes added, 21:37, 14 November 2007
*[,+san+francisco,+ca&ie=UTF8&ll=37.763811,-122.409861&spn=0.002265,0.004812&t=k&om=1 SF MUNI trolleybus depot]
**Get on 27 bus @ 5th St, get off at Mariposa, walk north to 16th, get on 22 bus, ride to end of route. Take 15 bus to Caltrain; then get on N-Judah.
===New Jersey===
*[,+NJ+07946&ie=UTF8&ll=40.677424,-74.527699&spn=0.001084,0.00339&t=k&om=1 Millington trestle]
*<s>[,+nj&ie=UTF8&ll=40.744912,-74.100525&spn=0.002166,0.006781&t=h&om=1 Meadows Maintenance Complex (MMC)]</s>'' – not publicly accessible''
*[,+elizabeth,+nj&ie=UTF8&ll=40.66616,-74.216876&spn=0.002169,0.006781&t=h&om=1 Elizbeth NEC station (green arrow)] – ''notice the parking garage, good shooting location''
**Train speeds are pretty slow; not much time to set up for northbound trains
*[,+new+brunswick,+nj&ie=UTF8&ll=40.476705,-74.467639&spn=0.001087,0.00339&t=h&om=1 Jersey Ave. Park & Ride] – ''no northbound service except during morning rush''
**Very good location; plenty of time to set up shots, few signs of life midday = no one to bother you