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Computer Science

672 bytes added, 03:51, 20 February 2023
Lensovet moved page CS to Computer Science
'''CS''', short for '''Computer Science''', is a section of the lensowiki related to various programming projects and links. You can find classwork as well as my personal projects.
==Current applications==
==Class work==
*[[Sony Clié Clié on Mac OS X]] – instructions for using [[w:Sony CliéClié|Sony CliéClié]] PDAs with Mac OS X ''without'' the use of MissingSync*[[lensowiki:Installation caveats|Installation caveats]] – some bugs in the MediaWiki software and workarounds for them*[[Mail tweaks on iPhone OS]] – how to move messages to your IMAP server when your iPhone refuses to do so on its own and prevent automatic launch of*[[Navlang]] – a navigation bar specification language for webpages*[[iPhone development tips]] – things that took me time to debug and figure out and might be helpful to you*[[International iPhone pricing]] – a comparison of unsubsidized, direct-from-Apple iPhone prices around the world*[[Enable Jabber accounts in iChat with Parental Controlled accounts]]