no edit summary
/* RunLengthEncoding.java */
* The RunLengthEncoding class defines an object that run-length encodes an
* Ocean object. Descriptions of the methods you must implement appear below.
* They include constructors of the form
* public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime);
* public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime,
* int[] runTypes, int[] runLengths) {
* public RunLengthEncoding(Ocean ocean) {
* that create a run-length encoding of an Ocean having width i and height j,
* in which sharks starve after starveTime timesteps.
* The first constructor creates a run-length encoding of an Ocean in which
* every cell is empty. The second constructor creates a run-length encoding
* for which the runs are provided as parameters. The third constructor
* converts an Ocean object into a run-length encoding of that object.
* See the README file accompanying this project for additional details.
public class RunLengthEncoding {
* Define any variables associated with a RunLengthEncoding object here.
* These variables MUST be private.
// since this uses a separate doubly-linked list class, most fields are already defined there
private int runsleft;
private DList rle;
* The following methods are required for Part II.
* RunLengthEncoding() (with three parameters) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an empty ocean having width i and height j,
* in which sharks starve after starveTime timesteps.
* @param i is the width of the ocean.
* @param j is the height of the ocean.
* @param starveTime is the number of timesteps sharks survive without food.
public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime) {
rle = new DList(i, j, starveTime);
rle.insertFront(Ocean.EMPTY, i*j);
runsleft = 1;
* RunLengthEncoding() (with five parameters) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an ocean having width i and height j, in which
* sharks starve after starveTime timesteps. The runs of the run-length
* encoding are taken from two input arrays. Run i has length runLengths[i]
* and species runTypes[i].
* @param i is the width of the ocean.
* @param j is the height of the ocean.
* @param starveTime is the number of timesteps sharks survive without food.
* @param runTypes is an array that represents the species represented by
* each run. Each element of runTypes is Ocean.EMPTY, Ocean.FISH,
* or Ocean.SHARK. Any run of sharks is treated as a run of newborn
* sharks (which are equivalent to sharks that have just eaten).
* @param runLengths is an array that represents the length of each run.
* The sum of all elements of the runLengths array should be i * j.
public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime,
int[] runTypes, int[] runLengths) {
rle = new DList(i, j, starveTime);
if (runTypes.length != runLengths.length) { System.out.println("INCOMPATIBLE ARRAYS");
} else {
for (int ii = runTypes.length-1; ii>=0; ii--) {
if (runTypes[ii] == Ocean.SHARK) {
rle.insertFront(runTypes[ii], runLengths[ii], starveTime);
} else {
rle.insertFront(runTypes[ii], runLengths[ii]);
runsleft = runTypes.length;
* restartRuns() and nextRun() are two methods that work together to return
* all the runs in the run-length encoding, one by one. Each time
* nextRun() is invoked, it returns a different run (represented as a
* TypeAndSize object), until every run has been returned. The first time
* nextRun() is invoked, it returns the first run in the encoding, which
* contains cell (0, 0). After every run has been returned, nextRun()
* returns null, which lets the calling program know that there are no more
* runs in the encoding.
* The restartRuns() method resets the enumeration, so that nextRun() will
* once again enumerate all the runs as if nextRun() were being invoked for
* the first time.
* (Note: Don't worry about what might happen if nextRun() is interleaved
* with addFish() or addShark(); it won't happen.)
* restartRuns() resets the enumeration as described above, so that
* nextRun() will enumerate all the runs from the beginning.
public void restartRuns() {
runsleft = rle.length();
* nextRun() returns the next run in the enumeration, as described above.
* If the runs have been exhausted, it returns null. The return value is
* a TypeAndSize object, which is nothing more than a way to return two
* integers at once.
* @return the next run in the enumeration, represented by a TypeAndSize object.
public TypeAndSize nextRun() {
if (runsleft == 0) { return null; }
else {
int curindex = rle.length()-runsleft+1;
DListNode curnode = rle.nth(curindex);
int tip = curnode.type;
int freq = curnode.consecs;
return new TypeAndSize(tip, freq); }
* toOcean() converts a run-length encoding of an ocean into an Ocean
* object. You will need to implement the three-parameter addShark method
* in the Ocean class for this method's use.
* @return the Ocean represented by a run-length encoding.
public Ocean toOcean() {
int index = 0;
Ocean newocean = new Ocean(rle.dimx, rle.dimy, rle.starvetime);
for (int il = 1; il<=rle.length(); il++) { // walks through each node in the rle list
DListNode curnode = rle.nth(il);
int tip = curnode.type;
int freq = curnode.consecs;
int hunger = curnode.hunger;
int ia = index;
for (; ia < index+freq; ia++) {
if (tip == Ocean.SHARK) {
newocean.addShark(newocean.coordx(ia), newocean.coordy(ia), hunger);
} else if (tip == Ocean.FISH) {
newocean.addFish(newocean.coordx(ia), newocean.coordy(ia));
} else { } // do nothing, the cell is already EMPTY
index = ia;
return newocean;
* The following method is required for Part III.
* RunLengthEncoding() (with one parameter) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an input Ocean. You will need to implement
* the sharkFeeding method in the Ocean class for this constructor's use.
* @param sea is the ocean to encode.
public RunLengthEncoding(Ocean sea) {
int is=0;
int ir=1;
int seasize = sea.width()*sea.height();
rle = new DList(sea.width(), sea.height(), sea.starveTime());
while (is<seasize) {
int tip = sea.cellContents(sea.coordx(is), sea.coordy(is));
int hunger = sea.sharkFeeding(is);
rle.insertEnd(tip, 1, hunger);
for (; sea.cellContents(sea.coordx(is), sea.coordy(is)) == tip && sea.sharkFeeding(is) == hunger && is<seasize; is++) {
rle.nth(ir).type = tip;
rle.nth(ir).hunger = hunger;
runsleft = ir-1;
* The following methods are required for Part IV.
* addFish() places a fish in cell (x, y) if the cell is empty. If the
* cell is already occupied, leave the cell as it is. The final run-length
* encoding should be compressed as much as possible; there should not be
* two consecutive runs of sharks with the same degree of hunger.
* @param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to place a fish in.
* @param y is the y-coordinate of the cell to place a fish in.
// This helper helps us convert (x,y) into a single-digit position but is slightly modified from the version in Ocean.java to work with RLEs
public int itempos(int x, int y) {
x = x%rle.dimx;
y = y%rle.dimy;
if (x < 0) { x = x+rle.dimx; }
if (y < 0) { y = y+rle.dimy; }
int ind = (rle.dimx*y+x) + 1;
return ind;
public void addFish(int x, int y) {
int index = itempos(x, y);
int rlepos = 1;
int i = 1;
for (; i<rle.length(); i++) {
rlepos = rlepos + rle.nth(i).consecs;
if (rlepos > index) {
rlepos = rlepos - rle.nth(i).consecs - 1;
break; }
if (i>=rle.length()) { System.out.println("Something terribly wrong happened, sorry..."); }
else if (rle.nth(i).type != Ocean.EMPTY) { System.out.println("Destination cell is not empty"); }
else actualinsertion: {
DListNode removednode = rle.nth(i);
int after = removednode.consecs - (index - rlepos);
int before = removednode.consecs - after - 1;
DListNode insertionnode = new DListNode(Ocean.FISH);
insertionnode.consecs = 1;
DListNode beforenode;
DListNode afternode;
boolean nodeisgone = false;
if (after==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.prev.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // there are no empty spaces, following block is a fish, and previous block is NOT a fish
nodeisgone = true;
} if (before==0 && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.next.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // there are no empty spaces, previous block is fish, and following block is NOT fish
nodeisgone = true;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.prev.type!=Ocean.FISH && removednode.next.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // this cell is nestled between two blocks neither of which is a fish
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode;
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (removednode.next.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.FISH) { // both previous and next blocks contain fish, so we need to combine three blocks into one
int combination = removednode.next.consecs + removednode.prev.consecs + 1;
DListNode overhaul = new DListNode(Ocean.FISH);
overhaul.consecs = combination;
overhaul.next = removednode.next.next;
overhaul.next.prev = overhaul;
overhaul.prev = removednode.prev.prev;
overhaul.prev.next = overhaul;
rle.size = rle.size -2;
runsleft = rle.length();
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (nodeisgone) { // if as a result of the previous testcases, our initially created node is no longer needed (nodeisgone == true), we need to combine the before and after frequencies, make a single new node, and link it to the list appropriately
int combined = after + before;
if (combined > 0) {
DListNode superduper = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
superduper.consecs = combined;
superduper.next = removednode.next;
superduper.prev = removednode.prev;
superduper.prev.next = superduper;
superduper.next.prev = superduper;
} else {
removednode.prev.next = removednode.next;
removednode.next.prev = removednode.prev;
} else if (before>0 || after>0) {
if (before > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces before this fish
beforenode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
beforenode.consecs = before;
beforenode.prev = removednode.prev;
removednode.prev.next = beforenode;
beforenode.next = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = beforenode;
if (after == 0) {
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode; }
runsleft = rle.length();
} if (after > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces after this fish
afternode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
afternode.consecs = after;
afternode.next = removednode.next;
afternode.next.prev = afternode;
insertionnode.next = afternode;
if (before == 0) {
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode; }
afternode.prev = insertionnode;
runsleft = rle.length();
* addShark() (with two parameters) places a newborn shark in cell (x, y) if
* the cell is empty. A "newborn" shark is equivalent to a shark that has
* just eaten. If the cell is already occupied, leave the cell as it is.
* The final run-length encoding should be compressed as much as possible;
* there should not be two consecutive runs of sharks with the same degree
* of hunger.
* @param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to place a shark in.
* @param y is the y-coordinate of the cell to place a shark in.
public void addShark(int x, int y) {
int index = itempos(x, y);
int rlepos = 1;
int i = 1;
for (; i<rle.length(); i++) {
rlepos = rlepos + rle.nth(i).consecs;
if (rlepos > index) {
rlepos = rlepos - rle.nth(i).consecs - 1;
break; }
if (i>=rle.length()) { System.out.println("Something terribly wrong happened, sorry..."); }
else if (rle.nth(i).type != Ocean.EMPTY) { System.out.println("Destination cell is not empty"); }
else actualinsertion: {
DListNode removednode = rle.nth(i);
int destinationhunger = rle.starvetime;
int after = removednode.consecs - (index - rlepos);
int before = removednode.consecs - after - 1;
DListNode insertionnode = new DListNode(Ocean.SHARK, destinationhunger);
insertionnode.consecs = 1;
DListNode beforenode;
DListNode afternode;
boolean nodeisgone = false;
if (after==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.next.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.prev.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // there are no empty spaces, following block is a shark with the same hunger, and previous block is NOT a shark with the same hunger
nodeisgone = true;
} if (before==0 && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.prev.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.next.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // there are no empty spaces, previous block is a shark with the same hunger, and following block is NOT a shark with the same hunger
nodeisgone = true;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.prev.hunger!=destinationhunger && removednode.next.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // this cell is nestled between two blocks that differ from the shark we're inserting.
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode;
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.next.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.prev.hunger==destinationhunger) { // we're inserting into a cell surrounded by blocks of sharks both of which have the same hunger levels, so we need to combine three blocks into one
int combination = removednode.next.consecs + removednode.prev.consecs + 1;
DListNode overhaul = new DListNode(Ocean.SHARK, destinationhunger);
overhaul.consecs = combination;
overhaul.next = removednode.next.next;
overhaul.next.prev = overhaul;
overhaul.prev = removednode.prev.prev;
overhaul.prev.next = overhaul;
rle.size = rle.size -2;
runsleft = rle.length();
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (nodeisgone) { // if as a result of the previous testcases, our initially created node is no longer needed (nodeisgone == true), we need to combine the before and after frequencies, make a single new node, and link it to the list appropriately
int combined = after + before;
if (combined > 0) {
DListNode superduper = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
superduper.consecs = combined;
superduper.next = removednode.next;
superduper.prev = removednode.prev;
superduper.prev.next = superduper;
superduper.next.prev = superduper;
} else {
removednode.prev.next = removednode.next;
removednode.next.prev = removednode.prev;
} else if (before>0 || after>0) {
if (before > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces before this shark or there are sharks but with different hunger levels
beforenode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
beforenode.consecs = before;
beforenode.prev = removednode.prev;
removednode.prev.next = beforenode;
beforenode.next = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = beforenode;
if (after == 0) {
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode; }
runsleft = rle.length();
} if (after > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces after this shark or there are sharks but with different hunger levels
afternode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
afternode.consecs = after;
afternode.next = removednode.next;
afternode.next.prev = afternode;
insertionnode.next = afternode;
if (before == 0) {
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode; }
afternode.prev = insertionnode;
runsleft = rle.length();
* check() walks through the run-length encoding and prints an error message
* if two consecutive runs have the same contents, or if the sum of all run
* lengths does not equal the number of cells in the ocean.
public void check() {
int ti = 0;
for (int i=1; i<rle.length(); i++) {
if (rle.nth(i).type == rle.nth(i+1).type && rle.nth(i).hunger == rle.nth(i+1).hunger) {
System.out.print("I've found a bug! You have the same type of cells in two consecutive RLE nodes! Problem is at nodes " + i + " and " + (i+1) + "\n");
for (int ii=1; ii<=rle.length(); ii++) {
ti = ti + rle.nth(ii).consecs;
if (ti != rle.dimx*rle.dimy) {
System.out.print("I've found a bug! The sum of run lengths is NOT equal to the Ocean's size - runlengths is " + ti + " vs Ocean size of " + (rle.dimx*rle.dimy) + "\n");
/* RunLengthEncoding.java */
* The RunLengthEncoding class defines an object that run-length encodes an
* Ocean object. Descriptions of the methods you must implement appear below.
* They include constructors of the form
* public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime);
* public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime,
* int[] runTypes, int[] runLengths) {
* public RunLengthEncoding(Ocean ocean) {
* that create a run-length encoding of an Ocean having width i and height j,
* in which sharks starve after starveTime timesteps.
* The first constructor creates a run-length encoding of an Ocean in which
* every cell is empty. The second constructor creates a run-length encoding
* for which the runs are provided as parameters. The third constructor
* converts an Ocean object into a run-length encoding of that object.
* See the README file accompanying this project for additional details.
public class RunLengthEncoding {
* Define any variables associated with a RunLengthEncoding object here.
* These variables MUST be private.
// since this uses a separate doubly-linked list class, most fields are already defined there
private int runsleft;
private DList rle;
* The following methods are required for Part II.
* RunLengthEncoding() (with three parameters) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an empty ocean having width i and height j,
* in which sharks starve after starveTime timesteps.
* @param i is the width of the ocean.
* @param j is the height of the ocean.
* @param starveTime is the number of timesteps sharks survive without food.
public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime) {
rle = new DList(i, j, starveTime);
rle.insertFront(Ocean.EMPTY, i*j);
runsleft = 1;
* RunLengthEncoding() (with five parameters) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an ocean having width i and height j, in which
* sharks starve after starveTime timesteps. The runs of the run-length
* encoding are taken from two input arrays. Run i has length runLengths[i]
* and species runTypes[i].
* @param i is the width of the ocean.
* @param j is the height of the ocean.
* @param starveTime is the number of timesteps sharks survive without food.
* @param runTypes is an array that represents the species represented by
* each run. Each element of runTypes is Ocean.EMPTY, Ocean.FISH,
* or Ocean.SHARK. Any run of sharks is treated as a run of newborn
* sharks (which are equivalent to sharks that have just eaten).
* @param runLengths is an array that represents the length of each run.
* The sum of all elements of the runLengths array should be i * j.
public RunLengthEncoding(int i, int j, int starveTime,
int[] runTypes, int[] runLengths) {
rle = new DList(i, j, starveTime);
if (runTypes.length != runLengths.length) { System.out.println("INCOMPATIBLE ARRAYS");
} else {
for (int ii = runTypes.length-1; ii>=0; ii--) {
if (runTypes[ii] == Ocean.SHARK) {
rle.insertFront(runTypes[ii], runLengths[ii], starveTime);
} else {
rle.insertFront(runTypes[ii], runLengths[ii]);
runsleft = runTypes.length;
* restartRuns() and nextRun() are two methods that work together to return
* all the runs in the run-length encoding, one by one. Each time
* nextRun() is invoked, it returns a different run (represented as a
* TypeAndSize object), until every run has been returned. The first time
* nextRun() is invoked, it returns the first run in the encoding, which
* contains cell (0, 0). After every run has been returned, nextRun()
* returns null, which lets the calling program know that there are no more
* runs in the encoding.
* The restartRuns() method resets the enumeration, so that nextRun() will
* once again enumerate all the runs as if nextRun() were being invoked for
* the first time.
* (Note: Don't worry about what might happen if nextRun() is interleaved
* with addFish() or addShark(); it won't happen.)
* restartRuns() resets the enumeration as described above, so that
* nextRun() will enumerate all the runs from the beginning.
public void restartRuns() {
runsleft = rle.length();
* nextRun() returns the next run in the enumeration, as described above.
* If the runs have been exhausted, it returns null. The return value is
* a TypeAndSize object, which is nothing more than a way to return two
* integers at once.
* @return the next run in the enumeration, represented by a TypeAndSize object.
public TypeAndSize nextRun() {
if (runsleft == 0) { return null; }
else {
int curindex = rle.length()-runsleft+1;
DListNode curnode = rle.nth(curindex);
int tip = curnode.type;
int freq = curnode.consecs;
return new TypeAndSize(tip, freq); }
* toOcean() converts a run-length encoding of an ocean into an Ocean
* object. You will need to implement the three-parameter addShark method
* in the Ocean class for this method's use.
* @return the Ocean represented by a run-length encoding.
public Ocean toOcean() {
int index = 0;
Ocean newocean = new Ocean(rle.dimx, rle.dimy, rle.starvetime);
for (int il = 1; il<=rle.length(); il++) { // walks through each node in the rle list
DListNode curnode = rle.nth(il);
int tip = curnode.type;
int freq = curnode.consecs;
int hunger = curnode.hunger;
int ia = index;
for (; ia < index+freq; ia++) {
if (tip == Ocean.SHARK) {
newocean.addShark(newocean.coordx(ia), newocean.coordy(ia), hunger);
} else if (tip == Ocean.FISH) {
newocean.addFish(newocean.coordx(ia), newocean.coordy(ia));
} else { } // do nothing, the cell is already EMPTY
index = ia;
return newocean;
* The following method is required for Part III.
* RunLengthEncoding() (with one parameter) is a constructor that creates
* a run-length encoding of an input Ocean. You will need to implement
* the sharkFeeding method in the Ocean class for this constructor's use.
* @param sea is the ocean to encode.
public RunLengthEncoding(Ocean sea) {
int is=0;
int ir=1;
int seasize = sea.width()*sea.height();
rle = new DList(sea.width(), sea.height(), sea.starveTime());
while (is<seasize) {
int tip = sea.cellContents(sea.coordx(is), sea.coordy(is));
int hunger = sea.sharkFeeding(is);
rle.insertEnd(tip, 1, hunger);
for (; sea.cellContents(sea.coordx(is), sea.coordy(is)) == tip && sea.sharkFeeding(is) == hunger && is<seasize; is++) {
rle.nth(ir).type = tip;
rle.nth(ir).hunger = hunger;
runsleft = ir-1;
* The following methods are required for Part IV.
* addFish() places a fish in cell (x, y) if the cell is empty. If the
* cell is already occupied, leave the cell as it is. The final run-length
* encoding should be compressed as much as possible; there should not be
* two consecutive runs of sharks with the same degree of hunger.
* @param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to place a fish in.
* @param y is the y-coordinate of the cell to place a fish in.
// This helper helps us convert (x,y) into a single-digit position but is slightly modified from the version in Ocean.java to work with RLEs
public int itempos(int x, int y) {
x = x%rle.dimx;
y = y%rle.dimy;
if (x < 0) { x = x+rle.dimx; }
if (y < 0) { y = y+rle.dimy; }
int ind = (rle.dimx*y+x) + 1;
return ind;
public void addFish(int x, int y) {
int index = itempos(x, y);
int rlepos = 1;
int i = 1;
for (; i<rle.length(); i++) {
rlepos = rlepos + rle.nth(i).consecs;
if (rlepos > index) {
rlepos = rlepos - rle.nth(i).consecs - 1;
break; }
if (i>=rle.length()) { System.out.println("Something terribly wrong happened, sorry..."); }
else if (rle.nth(i).type != Ocean.EMPTY) { System.out.println("Destination cell is not empty"); }
else actualinsertion: {
DListNode removednode = rle.nth(i);
int after = removednode.consecs - (index - rlepos);
int before = removednode.consecs - after - 1;
DListNode insertionnode = new DListNode(Ocean.FISH);
insertionnode.consecs = 1;
DListNode beforenode;
DListNode afternode;
boolean nodeisgone = false;
if (after==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.prev.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // there are no empty spaces, following block is a fish, and previous block is NOT a fish
nodeisgone = true;
} if (before==0 && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.next.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // there are no empty spaces, previous block is fish, and following block is NOT fish
nodeisgone = true;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.prev.type!=Ocean.FISH && removednode.next.type!=Ocean.FISH) { // this cell is nestled between two blocks neither of which is a fish
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode;
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (removednode.next.type==Ocean.FISH && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.FISH) { // both previous and next blocks contain fish, so we need to combine three blocks into one
int combination = removednode.next.consecs + removednode.prev.consecs + 1;
DListNode overhaul = new DListNode(Ocean.FISH);
overhaul.consecs = combination;
overhaul.next = removednode.next.next;
overhaul.next.prev = overhaul;
overhaul.prev = removednode.prev.prev;
overhaul.prev.next = overhaul;
rle.size = rle.size -2;
runsleft = rle.length();
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (nodeisgone) { // if as a result of the previous testcases, our initially created node is no longer needed (nodeisgone == true), we need to combine the before and after frequencies, make a single new node, and link it to the list appropriately
int combined = after + before;
if (combined > 0) {
DListNode superduper = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
superduper.consecs = combined;
superduper.next = removednode.next;
superduper.prev = removednode.prev;
superduper.prev.next = superduper;
superduper.next.prev = superduper;
} else {
removednode.prev.next = removednode.next;
removednode.next.prev = removednode.prev;
} else if (before>0 || after>0) {
if (before > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces before this fish
beforenode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
beforenode.consecs = before;
beforenode.prev = removednode.prev;
removednode.prev.next = beforenode;
beforenode.next = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = beforenode;
if (after == 0) {
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode; }
runsleft = rle.length();
} if (after > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces after this fish
afternode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
afternode.consecs = after;
afternode.next = removednode.next;
afternode.next.prev = afternode;
insertionnode.next = afternode;
if (before == 0) {
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode; }
afternode.prev = insertionnode;
runsleft = rle.length();
* addShark() (with two parameters) places a newborn shark in cell (x, y) if
* the cell is empty. A "newborn" shark is equivalent to a shark that has
* just eaten. If the cell is already occupied, leave the cell as it is.
* The final run-length encoding should be compressed as much as possible;
* there should not be two consecutive runs of sharks with the same degree
* of hunger.
* @param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to place a shark in.
* @param y is the y-coordinate of the cell to place a shark in.
public void addShark(int x, int y) {
int index = itempos(x, y);
int rlepos = 1;
int i = 1;
for (; i<rle.length(); i++) {
rlepos = rlepos + rle.nth(i).consecs;
if (rlepos > index) {
rlepos = rlepos - rle.nth(i).consecs - 1;
break; }
if (i>=rle.length()) { System.out.println("Something terribly wrong happened, sorry..."); }
else if (rle.nth(i).type != Ocean.EMPTY) { System.out.println("Destination cell is not empty"); }
else actualinsertion: {
DListNode removednode = rle.nth(i);
int destinationhunger = rle.starvetime;
int after = removednode.consecs - (index - rlepos);
int before = removednode.consecs - after - 1;
DListNode insertionnode = new DListNode(Ocean.SHARK, destinationhunger);
insertionnode.consecs = 1;
DListNode beforenode;
DListNode afternode;
boolean nodeisgone = false;
if (after==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.next.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.prev.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // there are no empty spaces, following block is a shark with the same hunger, and previous block is NOT a shark with the same hunger
nodeisgone = true;
} if (before==0 && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.prev.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.next.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // there are no empty spaces, previous block is a shark with the same hunger, and following block is NOT a shark with the same hunger
nodeisgone = true;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.prev.hunger!=destinationhunger && removednode.next.hunger!=destinationhunger) { // this cell is nestled between two blocks that differ from the shark we're inserting.
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode;
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (after==0 && before==0 && removednode.next.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.prev.type==Ocean.SHARK && removednode.next.hunger==destinationhunger && removednode.prev.hunger==destinationhunger) { // we're inserting into a cell surrounded by blocks of sharks both of which have the same hunger levels, so we need to combine three blocks into one
int combination = removednode.next.consecs + removednode.prev.consecs + 1;
DListNode overhaul = new DListNode(Ocean.SHARK, destinationhunger);
overhaul.consecs = combination;
overhaul.next = removednode.next.next;
overhaul.next.prev = overhaul;
overhaul.prev = removednode.prev.prev;
overhaul.prev.next = overhaul;
rle.size = rle.size -2;
runsleft = rle.length();
// we're done here
break actualinsertion;
} if (nodeisgone) { // if as a result of the previous testcases, our initially created node is no longer needed (nodeisgone == true), we need to combine the before and after frequencies, make a single new node, and link it to the list appropriately
int combined = after + before;
if (combined > 0) {
DListNode superduper = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
superduper.consecs = combined;
superduper.next = removednode.next;
superduper.prev = removednode.prev;
superduper.prev.next = superduper;
superduper.next.prev = superduper;
} else {
removednode.prev.next = removednode.next;
removednode.next.prev = removednode.prev;
} else if (before>0 || after>0) {
if (before > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces before this shark or there are sharks but with different hunger levels
beforenode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
beforenode.consecs = before;
beforenode.prev = removednode.prev;
removednode.prev.next = beforenode;
beforenode.next = insertionnode;
insertionnode.prev = beforenode;
if (after == 0) {
insertionnode.next = removednode.next;
insertionnode.next.prev = insertionnode; }
runsleft = rle.length();
} if (after > 0) { // there are still some empty spaces after this shark or there are sharks but with different hunger levels
afternode = new DListNode(Ocean.EMPTY);
afternode.consecs = after;
afternode.next = removednode.next;
afternode.next.prev = afternode;
insertionnode.next = afternode;
if (before == 0) {
insertionnode.prev = removednode.prev;
insertionnode.prev.next = insertionnode; }
afternode.prev = insertionnode;
runsleft = rle.length();
* check() walks through the run-length encoding and prints an error message
* if two consecutive runs have the same contents, or if the sum of all run
* lengths does not equal the number of cells in the ocean.
public void check() {
int ti = 0;
for (int i=1; i<rle.length(); i++) {
if (rle.nth(i).type == rle.nth(i+1).type && rle.nth(i).hunger == rle.nth(i+1).hunger) {
System.out.print("I've found a bug! You have the same type of cells in two consecutive RLE nodes! Problem is at nodes " + i + " and " + (i+1) + "\n");
for (int ii=1; ii<=rle.length(); ii++) {
ti = ti + rle.nth(ii).consecs;
if (ti != rle.dimx*rle.dimy) {
System.out.print("I've found a bug! The sum of run lengths is NOT equal to the Ocean's size - runlengths is " + ti + " vs Ocean size of " + (rle.dimx*rle.dimy) + "\n");