{{code}}<a href=http://* SimpleBoardshowe-vineg-us.java *blogspot.com/2010/02/trish-stratus-tease-how-cool-would-it.html>trish stratus tease</**a> * Simple class that implements an 8x8 game board with three possible values * for each cell<a href=http: 0, 1 or 2//showegriladvanc. * * DO NOT CHANGE ANY PROTOTYPES IN THIS FILEblogspot.com/2009/12/acne-more-conditionsymptoms-acne. **html>acne more condition_symptoms</a> public class SimpleBoard { private final static int DIMENSION <a href= 8; private int[][] grid;http://fleesliinformati.blogspot.com/2010/01/low-cut-wrestling-singlets-i-cut-weight.html>low cut wrestling singlets</**a> * Invariants<a href=http: * (1) grid//informatiohommustac.blogspot.length == DIMENSIONcom/2009/12/average-bmi-uk-smartwork-clothes-in-uk.html>average bmi uk</a> * (2) for all 0 <a href= i < DIMENSION, grid[i]http://graphiribubb.blogspot.length == DIMENSIONcom/2010/01/wikipedia-ls-magazine-what-methods-can.html>wikipedia ls magazine</a> * (3) for all 0 <a href= http://exercichailun.blogspot.com/2009/12/discoloration-on-dogs-lips-i, j -changed-my.html>discoloration on dogs lips< DIMENSION, grid[i][j] /a>= 0 and grid[i][j] <a href= 2http://paelboba.blogspot. **com/2010/01/pen-ink-stain-removal-tough-set-in.html>pen ink stain removal</**a> * Construct <a new board in which all cells are zerohref=http://callawcurtagraphi.blogspot.com/2010/02/picture-of-inside-of-my-nose-help-me. *html>picture of inside of my nose</a> public SimpleBoard() { grid <a href= new int[DIMENSION][DIMENSION]; }http://** * Set the cell (x, y) in the board to the given value mod 3throwba-lam-pian. * @param value to which the element should be set (normally 0, 1, or 2)blogspot. * @param x com/2010/01/print-shop-software-what-is the x-indexgood.html>print shop software</a> * @param y <a href=http://deecoalif.blogspot.com/2010/02/is the y-indexit-normal-to-have-cervical-mucus. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException html>is thrown if an invalid indexit normal to have cervical mucus days before period starts</a> * is given<a href=http://chro-cov-bl.blogspot.com/2010/02/lee-mead-joseph-and-amazing-technicolor. **html>lee mead joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat video</a> public void setElementAt(int x, int y, int value) { grid[x][y] <a href= value % 3;http://ans-acuv-ch.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-need-help-with-my-sylvania-tv-i-need.html>i need help with my sylvania tv</a> if (grid[x][y] < 0) { grid[x][y] a href= grid[x][y] + 3; } }http://spottin-pas-magazi.blogspot.com/2010/02/** * Get the valued stored in cell (x, y)lcd-tv-losing-color-new-lcd-tv.html>lcd tv losing color</a> * @param x is the x<a href=http://origam-delux-indexlarr.blogspot. * @param y com/2010/02/gold-designs-by-grt-what-is the y-indexopinion.html>gold designs by grt</a> * @return the stored value (between 0 and 2)<a href=http://climbi-mix-hig. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an invalid index * is givenblogspot. *com/2010/ public int elementAt(int x, int y) { return grid[x][y]; }02/** * Returns true if "this" SimpleBoard and "board" have identical values how-to-breed-shinies-in-sapphire.html>how to breed shinies insapphire</a> * every cell<a href=http://ib-handba-googl.blogspot.com/2010/02/remove-sweat-stains-from-judo-gi-how-to.html>remove sweat stains from judo gi</a> * @param board is the second SimpleBoard<a href=http://ba-stand-bab.blogspot.com/2010/02/answering-service-blogspotcom-can-we.html>answering service blogspot.com</a> * @return true if the boards are equal, false otherwise<a href=http://hapendaop.blogspot.com/2010/01/dunlop-hot-melt-carbon-i-am-in-love. *html>dunlop hot melt carbon</a> public boolean equals(Object board) { if (board.getClass() <a href== thishttp://printprotectog.getClass()) { return (thisblogspot.hashCode() == boardcom/2010/01/lindsay-dawn-mac-what-ever-happened-to.hashCode()); } else { return false; } }html>lindsay dawn mac</**a> * Returns <a hash code for this SimpleBoardhref=http://mulle-organize-advanc.blogspot.com/2010/02/gastroparesis-after-cervical.html>gastroparesis after cervical radiculopathy</a> * @return <a number between Integerhref=http://toomachichocolat.MIN_VALUE and Integerblogspot.MAX_VALUEcom/2010/01/supplements-for-pregnant-women-gentler. *html>supplements for pregnant women</a> public int hashCode() { int hash <a href= 0;http://graphhomgrac.blogspot.com/2010/01/aids-for-disabled-people-i-want-to.html>aids for (int io=0; iodisabled people<DIMENSION; io++) {/a> for (int ii<a href=0; iihttp://sle-camer-ste.blogspot.com/2010/02/spartan-travel-trailers-how-much-would.html>spartan travel trailers<DIMENSION; ii++) {/a> hash <a href= hash * 3 + grid[io][ii]; } } return hash; } }http://flann-fo-c.blogspot.com/2010/01/boot-trends-what-is-trend-chip-away.html>boot trends</a>