(c) Yes. q = T, r = F, p = T makes the second schema false, and is the only assignment that does. It also makes the first schema false, so the first implies the second.
4.For (a2) George will cut down a tree to be false, q = T and u = F. (George will marry Martha ∨ George We can try to find an assignment of the other variables that will die a bachelor)make (b1) (Abe will not become mayor true. city will not prosper) ∨ For p ⊃ (Abe will become mayor q⊃r. Ava will become head of chamber of commerce)(cs∨t) (Steve escapes the country ∨ Steve befriends Sally) ⊃ Steve will to be safe(d) true, r = s = t = T. In this case, (-Jerry stays in town p. -Joan reappearsq.∨r.s∨r.t) ⊃ Jan ⊃u becomes false, so the conjunct is false as well. Any other assignments of r, s, and t will triumph make the first part of the conjunct false, thus making the entire conjunct false. Jan will convince JoeThus for all truth-values making (e2) false, (-French object to pact . -Belgians object to pact1) . Italian forces withdraw from Spain . attacks on British ships cease ⊃ Italo-British pact will take effectis false as well, and (f1) implies (-Mail-order campaign breaks Dripsweet monopoly . -mail-order campaign restores competition2) ⊃ Jones will mortgage his home ∨ (Jones will sell his car . Jones will sell his boat)