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Computer Science/162/proj1

499 bytes added, 00:47, 5 October 2008
*#Otherwise, it goes to sleep on its first condition variable. Using the output, we verify that the threads all run in the correct order and all execute to completion.
* Sleep several threads on the condition variable. Upon waking, these threads should print a unique statement and perform a {{c|wake()}} on the condition variable. Have one thread perform an initial {{c|wake()}} on the condition variable and verify that all threads are executed.
* Sleep several threads on several various condition variables. Verify via console print statements that the proper threads wake up at the correct times according to which condition variable they were sleeping on.
* Sleep several threads on the condition variable, then have one final thread wake them all with {{c|wakeAll()}}. Verify that all threads have woken up via console print statements.
* Sleep several threads on several various condition variables, then have one thread call {{c|wakeAll()}} on one of the condition variables. Verify via console print statements that all the threads put to sleep on that condition variable wake up and that only those threads wake up.
Anonymous user

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