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Computer Science/61b/Projects/Ocean/

1,501 bytes added, 03:13, 14 November 2006
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/* */

* DListNode is a class used internally by the DList class. A DList object
* is a doubly-linked list, and a DListNode is a node of a doubly-linked
* list. Each DListNode normally has three references: one to an object, one to
* the next node in the list, and another to the previous node in the list.
* However, for purposes of the Ocean project this is changed as follows:
* The item field is actually named type to better reflect the data that it holds
* Consequently, the types are all ints and not objects
* The number of fields is FIVE and not three - an additional field is added for the number of consecutive
* cells of the given type and another for the shark's current hunger

class DListNode {
int type;
int hunger;
int consecs;
DListNode next;
DListNode prev;

* DListNode() (with two parameters) constructs a list node referencing the
* item "obj", whose next list node is to be "next".

DListNode(int type, int hunger, DListNode next) {
this.type = type;
this.hunger = hunger; = next;

DListNode(int type, DListNode next) {
this(type, 0, next);

DListNode(int type, int hunger) {
this(type, hunger, null);

* DListNode() (with one parameter) constructs a list node referencing the
* item "obj".

DListNode(int type) {
this(type, null);

DListNode() {
this(Ocean.EMPTY, null);

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