Now you will have the current CVS checkout of the Linux DC++ client. It uses <tt>scons</tt> as its build system, not <tt>make</tt>, so you will probably need to install that (<tt>apt-get install scons</tt> or what have you). To build it, you just issue this command:
It will require a lot of development libraries. Big ones are the GTK+ header files, glade header files, and bzip2 header files. Normally for your distro this will be the package name with a <tt>-dev</tt> or <tt>-devel</tt> appended. For example, in Fedora Core (my distro of choice) I needed to install <tt>gtk2-devel</tt> to get the GTK+ header files. As listed in the readme file, the dependencies are: scons >= 0.96 pkg-config g++ >= 3.4 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6 gthread-2.0 >= 2.4 libglade-2.0 >= 2.4 pthread zlib libbz2Of course, the names of the packages will be different for your distro. If you need help finding out the names, try asking politely on IRC.
After build the package you will have an executable named <tt>linuxdcpp</tt> in your current working directory. Run it (e.g. with <tt>./linuxdcpp</tt>) and enjoy.
==External links==
*[ Calhub group on Facebook]