→Jun 18 06: update to include slavic
Pretty early on in my college career, I realized that I needed to figure out what courses I'm going to take and when. The result of this was the formation of an "academic plan." Below I list each significant iteration of these plans, since they changed as time went on.
==Sep 23 06==
'''fall 05''' - ''at LA Valley, Pierce, and Mission Colleges''<br>
''Math 53 - 4<br>Geography 40* - 4<br>English R1A - 3<br>Oceanography 1* - 3<br>Psych 1* - 3''
Total 35.5 – ''4.0''
'''spring 06'''<br>
''French 4* - 5<br>Italian 2 - 5<br>Music 60 - 3''<br>
EE 42 - 3<br>
CS 61a - 4
Total 20 – ''3.470''
'''summer 06''' - ''at LA Valley College''<br>
''History 4a (or 4b?)* - 4<br>Enviro Sci 10 (Enviro Issues) - 3''
Total 7 – ''4.0''
'''fall 06'''<br>
''Italian 3 - 5<br>French 102 - 4<br>Music 61 (Harmony III)* - 3<br>Music 50 (Musicianship II) - 3''<br>
Comp Sci 61b (Data Structures) - 4<br>
Math 54 (Lin. Alg) - 4<br>
Slavic 105a (Russian translation) - 3<br>
Slavic 114 (Self-paced Russian) - 3
Total 29
'''spring 07'''<br>
''Italian 4 - 5''<br>
Comp Sci 61c (Machine Structures) - 4<br>
Math 55 (Discrete Math) - 4<br>
''Music 51 (Musicianship III) - 3<br>Music 116 (Jazz Theory) - 3''<br>
Slavic 114 (Self-paced Russian) - 3<br>
Slavic 105b (Russian translation) - 3
Total 25
'''summer 07''' - ''at one of the LACCD schools''<br>
Chem 3a+l (Organic Chem) - 5
Total 5
'''fall 07'''<br>
Bio 1b - 4<br>
Enviro Econ & Policy 1 (Intro to EE&P) - 4<br>
Comp Sci 170 (Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems) - 4<br>
Comp Sci 160 (User Interface Design and Development) - 4<br>
Slavic 180 series (Russian lit in Russian) - 4<br>
One course in Russian culture - 4
Total 26
'''spring 08'''<br>
Comp Sci 169 (Software Engineering) - 4<br>
Comp Sci elective - 3<br>
Stat 131a (Statistical Inferences for Social and Life Scientists) - 4<br>
Enviro Sci 100 (Environmental Problem Solving) - 4<br>
Slavic 130 series/146 (Russian lit in English) - 4
Slavic 45 - 3<br>
One upper-div Slavic elective - 3
Total 25
'''fall 08'''<br>
Comp Sci 152 (Computer Architecture and Engineering) or 150 (Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems) - 4<br>
A diff Comp Sci elective - 4<br>
Enviro Sci 104 (Modeling and Management of Biological Resources) - 4<br>
Human-Environment Interactions elective - 4<br>
Slavic 46 - 3<br>
One upper-div Slavic elective - 3<br>
Enviro Sci elective - 3
Total 26
'''spring 09'''<br>
blank. what’s going to happen here is that most likely during fall 07 or spring 08 i’m going to go abroad, so all the stuff after that i going to move down and so this semester won’t be blank anymore.<br>
this plan, in the end, results in three degrees – computer science, environmental science, and russian language & literature.<br>
by this plan, I will cover all but 1 one of the breadth requirements - the philosophy one, which i'll probably just take during my semester abroad.
==Jun 18 06==